원효『 기신론해동소』에 나타난 원음(圓音)의 현대적 이해에 관한 연구
저자 : 김원명 ISBN :
발행기관 : 불교학연구회 발행년도 : 2008
간행물 : 불교학연구 제19권 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 119 - 149 (31 pages)
첨부아이콘 원효『 기신론해동소』에 나타난 원음(圓音)의 현대적 이해에 관한 연구.pdf
#본래 소리/근원의 소리#원음原音#둥근 소리#Round sound)/두루한 소리#Duruhan sound)/온소리#On sound)#원음圓音)#한소리/?소리#일음一音#없는 소리#무음無音#뭇소리#중음衆音#Original sound)#One sound/Han sound)#Absolute soundless sound)#All sound/Moot sound)
This study is to try understanding Woneum (圓音), the Round sound by Wonhyo(元曉). To increase our understanding Woneum, this study aims atI interpreting Woneum as various modern Korean terms which represent the Korean speaker’s freedom of imagination and opportunity to manifest one’s own oneself. Woneum is found once in the Awakening of Faith (Mahāyānaśraddhotpāda) translated into Chinese by Paramārtha (499-569) in 550 A.D. Wonhyo had studied Woneum in his Commentary on Awakening of Faith (起信論海東疏). Woneum is not found, One sound is found in the Awakening of Faith translated into Chinese by Siksānanda (實叉難陀, 652-710), who began his work on the eighth of October, 700 A.D. Round sound is interpreted as One sound, Absolute soundless sound and All sound by Wonhyo. Buddha had talked about truth in Round sound, all sentient beings heard the truth in One sound each other according to their abilities to hear that. In the part of Buddha, One sound can be interpreted in On sound in Korean, Absolute soundless sound. In the part of sentient beings, One sound can be interpreted in All sound. In the two parts of Buddha and sentient beings, One sound can be interpreted in Duruhan sound in Korean. The English immersion education itself of present political power prohibits the Korean speaker’s freedom of imagination and opportunity to manifest one’s own oneself. Korean of Korean speakers is a calling of Being, On sound and Duruhan sound in Korean.

This study is to try understanding Woneum (圓音), the Round sound by Wonhyo(元曉). To increase our understanding Woneum, this study aims atI interpreting Woneum as various modern Korean terms which represent the Korean speaker’s freedom of imagination and opportunity to manifest one’s own oneself. Woneum is found once in the Awakening of Faith (Mahāyānaśraddhotpāda) translated into Chinese by Paramārtha (499-569) in 550 A.D. Wonhyo had studied Woneum in his Commentary on Awakening of Faith (起信論海東疏). Woneum is not found, One sound is found in the Awakening of Faith translated into Chinese by Siksānanda (實叉難陀, 652-710), who began his work on the eighth of October, 700 A.D. Round sound is interpreted as One sound, Absolute soundless sound and All sound by Wonhyo. Buddha had talked about truth in Round sound, all sentient beings heard the truth in One sound each other according to their abilities to hear that. In the part of Buddha, One sound can be interpreted in On sound in Korean, Absolute soundless sound. In the part of sentient beings, One sound can be interpreted in All sound. In the two parts of Buddha and sentient beings, One sound can be interpreted in Duruhan sound in Korean. The English immersion education itself of present political power prohibits the Korean speaker’s freedom of imagination and opportunity to manifest one’s own oneself. Korean of Korean speakers is a calling of Being, On sound and Duruhan sound in Korean
다음글 : 한국철학의 정체성과 한국철학사의 관점
이전글 : 원효의 ‘六品圓融’사상과 대중교화