원효의 선(禪)사상 『금강삼매경론』을 중심으로
저자 : 박태원 ISBN : 1226-9379
발행기관 : 새한철학회 발행년도 : 2012
간행물 : 철학논총 권·호 : 제68집 /
페이지 : 5-41
첨부아이콘 원효의 선(禪)사상.pdf
원효, 금강삼매경, 금강삼매경론, 일미관행(一味觀行), 일미(一味)의 대승선(大乘禪), 무생(無生)/무주(無住)의 일미진선(一味眞禪), Won-Hyo, Vajrasamadhi-Sutra(金剛三昧經), Sun(禪), One-mindedness(一心), The one-tasted vipassana practice
[한글 요약]
1. 『금감삼매경』과 『금강삼매경론』 그리고 선(禪)
2. 한 맛으로 참되게 보아 행하라 - 일미관행(一味觀行)의 선(禪)
3. 참선과 중생 구제는 하나가 되어야 한다 - 한 맛으로 크게 실어 나르는 선(一味의 大乘禪)
4. 일으킴이 없고(無生) 머무름이 없어야(無住) ‘한 맛이 되는참된 선(一味眞禪)’이다 - 무생(無生)/무주(無住)의 일미진선(一味眞禪)
5. 나오는 말
The 『Vajrasamadhi-Sutra(金剛三昧經)』 and the Won-Hyo(元曉)’s commentary of it(『金剛三昧經論』) synthesize all the Buddhist philosophy through the theme of Sun(禪). In other words, the writer(s) of 『Vajrasamadhi-Sutra(金剛三昧經)』 and Won-Hyo concentrate and unfold their views on the Buddhism and their critical mind based upon Sun(禪). Won-Hyo asserted one-tasted vipassana practice(一味觀行), after catching the vipassana practice(觀行) as the essence of 『Vajrasamadhi-Sutra(金剛三昧經)』’s practice. The onetasted vipassana practice(一味觀行) and the aspect of One-mindedness(一心) are interdependent and interconnected. The one-tasted vipassana practice(一味觀行) is the aspect of vipassana that the mutual-negative world become the one being opened and embraced with each other. According to Won-Hyo, the stability/quietness/purification of Sun(禪) are not the results of looking away and negation and escape of world, not the products of restraint and disuse of mind and body, but the aspect of seeing the existence as it is and the process of having relation with the world truly. And the person who opens the Sun(禪)’s aspect is to unfold the altruistic mind voluntarily and necessarily. Sun(禪) and the saving the world must be the one. Won-Hyo always connects Sun(禪) with the practicing of world’s saving. The distinguishing mark and unique significance of Won-Hyo’s view of Sun(禪) are here.
다음글 : 원효의 『금강삼매경론』연구
이전글 : 원효(元曉)와 왕양명(王陽明)의 장애론(障碍論)에 관한 비교