이광수 「원효대사」의 기문학적 특질 연구 생태학적 특성을 중심으로
저자 : 한승옥 ISBN : 1225-1216
발행기관 : 국제어문학회 발행년도 : 2003
간행물 : 국제어문 권·호 : 제 28집 /
페이지 : 237-263
기, 생태학, 기질, 기상, 자연, 호방, 강건, 웅혼, 심층생태학, 이광수, 원효, ki, ecology, temperament, spirit, nature, large-minded, sturdiness, sublimity, deep ecology, Lee Gwang-Soo, Won Hyo
1. 서론
2. 기(氣) 개념의 다의성과 생태학
3. 이광수 「원효대사」의 생태학적 특성
4. 결론
The present research has been formulated to observe the various meanings of a Ki(氣), and to examine its correlation to ecology. As a result, it has been confirmed that Ki-monistic point of view to nature can be redescribed as an ecological attitude towards nature. It implies a world view that an essence of nature, which is a living form itself, consists with a spirit and a spirit is equal to the nature of every living creature, including a human being. Thus, such a world view of Ki is equivalent to an organismic attitude to nature. This is the ecological penetration. Such a standpoint can be applied to the theory of art without any hesitation. True art, powerful art, and the art that touches your mind come from nature, and it also comes from the consolidation of divine and human nature. Such a standpoint is all based on ecological cognition and its practice. Ecology is important to literature to that extent, and nothing else is more important than ecology in the core of literature. It was an attempt to inquire if above concept can be applied to a literary work to examine 「Wonhyodaesa(元曉大師)」 upon an ecological standpoint. Especially, observing Buddhist literature such as 「Wonhyodaesa」 from an ecological point of view is considered to be very meaningful work. Buddhist literature itself tightly relates to ecology in thematic matter. Such a point can be immediately confirmed by 「Wonhyodaesa」. Any further discussion of this topic should be extended to Historic literature, Buddhist literature or any other sorts of literature in order to examine the actual circumstances.
다음글 : 원효의 각(覺)사상 연구
이전글 : 日本における元曉ㆍ義湘傳 - 『華嚴緣起』 繪卷を中心に -