원효계(元曉系) 화엄종(華嚴宗) 본존불(本尊佛) 문제(問題)와 삼화사(三和寺) 철조사나불상(鐵盧舍那佛像)의 연구(硏究) | |
저자 : 문명대(文明大) | ISBN : 1225-2565 |
발행기관 : 한국미술사학회 | 발행년도 : 2002 |
간행물 : 미술사학연구(美術史學硏究) | 권·호 : / 제 236호 |
페이지 : 69-96 | |
첨부파일元曉系 華嚴宗 本尊佛 問題와 三和寺 鐵盧舍那佛像의 硏究.pdf |
소개 |
키워드삼화사, 철불, 원효계, 화엄종, 노사나불 |
목차Ⅰ. 머리말Ⅱ. 명문(銘文)을 통해 본 삼화사(三和寺) 철조사나불상(鐵盧舍那佛像)의 조성배경(造成背景) Ⅲ. 삼화사(三和寺) 철조사나불상(鐵盧舍那佛像)의 도상적(圖像的) 특징(特徵) Ⅳ. 삼화사(三和寺) 철조사나불상(鐵盧舍那佛像)의 양식(樣式)과 편년(編年) Ⅴ. 원효계(元曉系) 화엄종(華嚴宗) 본존불(本尊佛) 문제(問題)와 삼화사(三和寺) 철조사나불상(鐵盧舍那佛像)의 의의(意義) Ⅵ. 맺음말 ABSTRACT |
초록Studies were made in various aspects on the Iron Virocana Buddha Statue enshrined in Samhwasa (三和寺) Temple in Donghae (東海市), Gangwon province. As a result, a number of important facts were retrieved as follows. First, through the inscription, it was revealed that the main statue of Samhwasa Temple is the Virocana Buddha with the abhaya-dana-mudra. Thus, Samhwasa Temple is presumed to be the Buddhist Sect Temple of Avatamska order. Also, a figure related to Kashkar of the Central Asia is presumed to have been involved in the introduction of this Buddhiest sect. The iron Buddha statue of Samhwasa temple was made by Baek-baek-sa (白伯士) Seok-seung-geo (釋僧炬). while Seok-cheong-muk (釋聽黙) and Seok-seung-do-ri (釋僧道利) were the sponsors, and Che-heo (體虛). father, Yeom-jak (念作). mother, sa-mi (沙彌), and Geum-hae (金解) were also involved in the production. Also, Samhwasa Temple was established with the active sponsorship of King Taejo (太祖). founder of Goryeo as part of his policy toward the eastern area. The letters on the mirror are inscribed in reverse, and it would be proper to consider it expresses the truth or symbol of Virocana Buddha. Second. even though the iron Virocana Buddha statue of Samhwasa Temple has been considerably damaged. the face and the upper part of the body maintain the orignal state. And it shows dose relations with the iron Buddha statue known to have come from Jeokjosa (寂照寺) temple site and the iron Bhaisajyaguru Buddha from Janggoksa (長谷寺) temple. It"s one of the representative examples of the type of iron Buddha statue with sturdy and tall body and elegant looking face. Third, this iron Buddha statue, therefore, can be defined as an iron Virocana Buddha statue presumed to have been established around 930 A.D. Stylistically, it can be located before the iron Buddha statue known to have come from Jeokjosa (寂照寺) Temple dated around 937 A.D. and iron Buddha statue from Mangisa (萬奇寺) Temple dated 942, and after the iron Buddha statue in Gwangju and the iron Buddha statue presumed to have come from Bowonsa (普願寺) Temple site dated around 900 A.D. Lastly, the iron Buddha statue of Samhwasa Temple is the Virocana Buddha with the abhaya-dana mudra. It must be focused as an important and precious material which shows what the stylistic characteristics of the main statue of the Buddhist Sect of Avatamska order of Wonhyo lineage are like. The iron Virocana Buddha statue is judged as important work in the study of the history of Buddhist sculpture and the religion of Silla. |
다음글 : 성철 법어 ‘산은 산이요 물은 물이다’에 대한 원효적 해석 | |
이전글 : 마르보르발레단ㆍ장유경무용단ㆍ대구시립무용단ㆍ춤나눔 |