New Discoveries in Wŏnhyo’s P’an piryang non - Focusing on the Akebono Fragmentary Text and Fragments Found in Auction Catalogues
저자 : KIM Young-suk(Dongguk University) ISBN :
발행기관 : International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 발행년도 : 2019
간행물 : International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture Vol.29 No.2 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 93 - 116(24 pages)
첨부아이콘 New Discoveries in Wŏnhyo’s P’an piryang non Focusing on the Akebono Fragmentary Text and Fragments Found in Auction Catalogues.pdf
#P’an piryang non #Critical Discussions of Inference #Dharmapāla #past and future true existence #Bhāvaviveka #emptiness-existence debate
Bibliographical Analysis
Analysis of the Content of the Fragmentary Texts
In early 2018 I happened upon three distinct images that were previously unknown fragmentary texts found as entries that were published in three separate Japanese auction catalogues. This article is a careful analysis of these fragmentary texts, which I conclude are excerpts from Wŏnhyo’s P’an piryang non (Critical Discussions on Inference) that together make-up a section of the manuscript.
In the three entries, common characteristics including boundary lines, height and width of the lines, the calligraphic style, the content of discussions, and ink markings indicate connections between the cut-out fragments of passages. Furthermore, the content shows a continuity in the flow of Wŏnhyo’s critique on the inferences posed by the Dharmapāla that refuted the past and future true existences.
The significance of this discovery is that we are able to piece together what had long been considered lost. The particular significance of Wŏnhyo’s P’an piryang non is that it highlights the level of debate that took place in East Asian Buddhism. In the middle of this, Wŏnhyo was a prolific writer who was read by both the Japanese and Chinese monks, of whom we can piece together the person and his system of thought with the works that are extant and newly-discovered. The current discovery is important as it is part of one of his most outstanding work.
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