저자 : 岡本一平 (日本慶應義塾大學) ISBN :
발행기관 : 신라문화 발행년도 : 2022.12
간행물 : 신라문화 제61집 권·호 : /
페이지 : 157 - 176 (20page)
첨부아이콘 元曉の著作の成⽴順序について.pdf
本論文の目的は元曉(617~686)の著作の成⽴順序について假説を⽴てることにある。 私が採⽤した⽅法は、 元曉の著作冒頭にある門數の増加と、 名稱である。 中國の淨影寺慧遠(523~592)の注釋書、 あるいは法藏(643~712)の一部の著作では、 門數の増加、 さらにそれに伴い名稱が整備されてゆく過程は、 著作の發展を意味し、 門數が多いほど後期の著作である。 このアイデアを元曉の著作にも適⽤することが本論文の目的である。 假に失敗したとしても問題はない。 なぜならば、 このような基本的な考察さえ、 元曉研究では⾏われてこなかったからである。
元曉の著作は、 その叙述形式から A~E の五群に分類できる。 A 群(三種)は初期の著作と推定されるが、 形式上未整理で、 場合によっては元曉の作者性も疑えるもの。 B 群(七種)は、 元曉の特徴的な叙述形式が刻印されている著作。 C群(三種)は『東文選』に収錄された序文。 D群(⼆種)は、 完本が傳わるものの注釋書ではないので、 他の⽅法論が必要になるために、 今回は保留した。 E 群(七種)は注釋書ではなく、 さらに斷片しか殘されていないので、 他の⽅法論が必要なために今回は保留した。
考察の結果、 私が提起した元曉の著作の成⽴順序に關する假說は以下の順序である。
#Seventh century
#Order of publication
#Number of the aspect
#Critical Discussion of Inference
Ⅰ. 問題の所在
Ⅱ. 元曉の現存著作と推論對象
Ⅲ. 著作B群の考察
Ⅳ. 著作A群の考察
Ⅴ. 著作C群の考察
Ⅵ. 假説の提示
This study aims to formulate a hypothesis about the order of publication of Wonhyo’s writings. I chose the method of using the title and the increase in the number of aspect’s in the first part of Wonhyo’s works. In China, we could see the process of changing the title according to the increase of the number of aspect in some books of Huiyuan or Fazang, and this means the development of the work. Therefore, it proves that the more number of aspect, the more late writings. The purpose of this article is to apply this idea to Wonhyo’s books. This would be meaningful because there has been no such research method so far even if this method finally failed.
Wonhyo’s writings could be classified in to five groups, A to E, in terms of the form of description. Group A (three types) is presumed to be the early writings, but some documents are not well organized in form and others are doubtful whether Wonhyo authored them. Group B (seven types) includes works in which Wonhyo’s characteristic narrative form is noticeable. Group C (three types) is prefaces contained in the Dongmunseon 東文選. Group D (two types) is not commentary although they are complete works, so a different method is needed. This is why they are excluded from the subject of this study. Group E (seven types) is not commentary and only remain fragments, so it is impossible to analyze by this method. Therefore, this is not included in the subject as well.
As a result of this research, the production order of Wonhyo’s writings is as follow: Commentary on the Chapter of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra 梵網經菩薩戒本私記 → Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith 大乘起信論別記 → Preface of the Commentary on the Saṃ dhinirmocana Sūtra 解深密經疏序 → Commentary on the Amitâbha Sūtra 阿彌陀經疏 → Commentary on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經疏 → Commentary on the Awakening of Faith 起信論疏 → Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sūtra ⾦剛三昧經論 → Doctrinal Essentials of the Lotus Sūtra 法華宗要 → Doctrinal Essentials of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra 大慧度經宗要 → Doctrinal Essentials of the Sūtra on the Ascension of Maitreya 彌勒上⽣經宗要 → Doctrinal Essentials of the Nirvana Sūtra 涅槃宗要. In addition, the Preface of the Commentary on the Huayan Sūtra of Jin Translation 晉譯華嚴經疏序 is probably before the Doctrinal Essentials of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra, and the Preface of the Commentary on the Sūtra on Primary Activities 本業經疏序 is after the reface of the Commentary on the Saṃ dhinirmocana Sūtra.
Among them, it is doubted that the author of the Commentary on the Chapter of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra is Wonhyo considering its clause name. Then, the order of writing of the Commentary on the Awakening of Faith is a general presumption. Different possibilities such as editing by later generations should be considered since the form of description of the Commentary on the Awakening of Faith is totally different from other writings of Wonhyo. Even though the Commentary on the Awakening of Faith mentioned the System of the Two Hindrances, it has a chance to by posterity. The context of the Commentary on the Awakening of Faith and the Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith, has been a problem for a long time, it is not a simple decision. Next, it has been assumed that the Preface of the Commentary on the Huayan Sūtra of Jin Translation is the last work of Wonhyo, but there is no narrative characteristic of his later work. Lastly, it is assumed that most of Wonhyo’s writings were written before the Critical Discussion of Inference 判比量論 (671), but the grounds are not sufficient.
다음글 : 원효 저작의 성립 순서에 대해서
이전글 : 팔공산 선본사 관봉 석조여래좌상 및 삼층석탑의 석재에 대한 연구