Oedipus in Korea : Echoes of Social Clashes in the Legends of Silla
저자 : Maurizio RIOTTO(Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”) ISBN :
발행기관 : The Academy of Korean Studies 발행년도 : 2017
간행물 : THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.20 No.2 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 111 - 143(33 pages)
첨부아이콘 Oedipus in Korea Echoes of Social Clashes in the Legends of Silla.pdf
#Greek tragedy #Silla period #Korean traditional culture #cultural clashes #structural anthropology
Prologue: A Forgotten Book
The Whole, the Part
Stat Corea Pristina Nomine
Take My Daughter and Be the King: The Clash between Endogamy and Exogamy
Women of Love, Women of Death
Conclusions: Never More, my Sweet Sister
This paper tries to explain some aspects and facts of ancient Korean society as a consequence of the cultural overlaps occurred over the course of the first millennium CE. In particular, foreign elements such as Confucianism and Buddhism thought are hypothesized to have exerted a deep influence upon traditional customs, within a historical process leading to social transformations similar to those occurred in the Mediterranean civilizations after the Indo- European invasions during the second millennium BCE. Relying on a suggestive hypothesis regarding the origin of the Greek tragedy in relation with the social clashes due to cultural conflicts, the author believes to individuate a similar anthropological structure in some events and characters of Korean folklore, as they have been reported by historical and literary sources.
다음글 : 원효 오도(悟道) 설화의 숭고 시학
이전글 : Silla Buddhist Reliefs of a Mirok Grotto