『삼국유사』를 통해 본 신라와 고려의 관음신앙
저자 : 라정숙 ISBN :
발행기관 : 한국역사연구회 발행년도 : 2009
간행물 : 역사와 현실 제71호 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 153 - 184 (32 pages)
첨부아이콘 『삼국유사』를 통해 본 신라와 고려의 관음신앙.pdf
#삼국유사 #관음신앙 #낙산신앙 #진신상주 #Samguk Yusa #Avalokiteśvara Belief(觀音信仰) #Potaraka Belief(洛山信仰) #Everlasting existence of Bodhi-sattva(眞身常住) #Water-moon Avalokiteśvara Painting(水月觀音圖) #Sarira Belief(舍利信仰)
1. 『삼국유사』의 관음신앙 사료 분석
2. 신라시대 관음신앙
3. 고려시대 관음신앙
『Samguk Yusa』contains Buddhism-related records of the Three-dynasties period and especially those of the Shilla dynasty period. Yet at the same time it also includes several records related to the Buddhism of Goryeo, and we can see that from the records involving the Goryeo dynastys Avalokite?vara belief (觀音信仰).
Avalokite?vara belief of the Shilla dynasty period recorded in『Samguk Yus a』can be characterized and categorized mainly by how it was realized, such as a pursuit of and belief in salvation in the contemporary plane of life, or voluntary character-building exercise and achievements, or a belief in the everlasting existence of the bodhi-sattva(眞身常住) which was based upon the Potaraka belief(洛山信仰). Then, the scope of the Avalokite?vara belief widened, and became more developed, coming into the Goryeo dynasty period. The secular nature(pursuing things in this plane of life), seen in the Shilla dynasty period, remained, and aspects of State-Buddhism still strongly featured themselves as well(in order to overcome certain national crises), and the Water-moon Avalokite?vara Painting(水月觀音圖) of the Goryeo dynasty period can be interpreted to be displaying the Avalokite?vara Belief, considering its inherent qualities of healing.
In the Shilla dynasty period, the Potaraka(Naksan)-based Avalokite?vara belief was established as a belief in the everlasting existence of bodhi-sattva. Yet in the Goyreo dynasty period the belief did not remain contained in the realm of the Naksan-sa temple. It expanded to engulf the Geumgang-san mountain area, and the fact that a Naksan-sa temple and a Gwaneum cave(관음굴) were established in the vicinity of the Gaegyeong capital area shows us the widening and expansion of the Potaraka-based Avalokite?vara belief. And we can also examine the characteristics of the Buddhist beliefs of the Goryeo dynasty period by looking at how the Potaraka-based Avalokite?vara belief extended into the establishment of a Sarira belief(舍利信仰), with the royal family leading trend of belief.
So, one might say that we can see how the Avalokite?vara belief was expanded and became more complicated, during the time period of Shilla and Goryeo dynasties, through『Samguk Yusa』.
다음글 : 三國遺事에 나타난 配偶者 選擇 및 性意識에 관한 연구
이전글 : 『삼국유사』의 삼국 ‘全盛時期 戶口’ 기사 검토