德川家 장서목록에 나타난 『삼국유사』 전승의 연구
저자 : 고운기 ISBN :
발행기관 : 연세대학교 국학연구원 발행년도 : 2008
간행물 : 동방학지 제142호 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 271 - 313 (43 pages)
첨부아이콘 德川家 장서목록에 나타난 『삼국유사』 전승의 연구.pdf
#삼국유사 #삼국유사의 재발견 #문과대학사지총서 #revaluation of Samguk-Yusa
Samguk-Yusa had a decisive opportunity of revaluation after it came to in Bunkadaigakusisisousyo(文科大學史誌叢書) of Tokyoteidai(東京帝大) version in 1904. The preface of Samguk-Yusa of Bunkadaigakusisisousyo states that this book was based on Tokugawa-hon(德川本) and Kanda-hon(神田本). Now Kanda-hon does not exist. However, there is a material which shows us Tokugawa-hons transmission process, which is Owaritokugawakezousyo(尾張德川家藏書目錄, 10 volumes) in Hosabunko(蓬左文庫). This paper will explore how Samguk-Yusa was dealt with and taken in custody in Owarihan Bunko for 300years since 17th Century. Owaritokugawake(尾張德川家) includes Samguk-Yusa among 32 kinds of books which were given to Imperial, so in this family Samguk-Yusa was special treatment for several generations. Because of this careful custody, Samguk-Yusa escapes not only danger of damage and destruction, but also could be attractive to historians in Meiji period who had to study Korean history seriously after late 19th Century. Even though it gave them new problems, the Editor of sisisousyo(史誌叢書) decided that Samguk-Yusa was printed by one of those Sousyo. That is why this Samguk-Yusa could have opportunity for special recovery more than any other book in the 20th century. To conclude, Samguk-Yusa of Tokugawa-hon(德川本) made a great contribution to recovering this book in the 20th century because the Editor of sisisousyo (史誌叢書) greatly served to recognize the existence of Samguk-Yusa.
다음글 : 『三國遺事』에 나타난 儀禮의 硏究
이전글 : 본지수적설(本地垂迹說)과 불국토사상(佛國土思想)의 비교