『삼국유사』효선에 나타난 불교와 이상적인 여성상
저자 : 최정선 ISBN :
발행기관 : 불교학연구회 발행년도 : 2005
간행물 : 불교학연구 제10호 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 149 - 171 (23 pages)
첨부아이콘 『삼국유사』효선에 나타난 불교와 이상적인 여성상.pdf
#불교 #Buddhism) 여성 #female) 지혜의 어머니 #wise mother) 슬기의 아내 #clever wife) 자기희생의 딸 #devoted daughter) 이상화된 여성 이미지 #Idealized woman images)
This study focuses on the idealized images of mother, wife and daughter which was represented in 『Samgugyusa(三國遺事) hyosun(孝善). The result shows that it beared a positive standpoint toward woman sush as woman could attain Buddhahood as an equal being to man. Furthermore, it created ideal woman images as an active and positive way. That is to say, they put wisdom, cleverness and logical affirmation images into female characters like mother, wife and daughter respectively. Wise mother could be reached Joungto(淨土) by his sons dedication to Buddhism, clever wife also could play an active role as a helper who might give a clever advice or a solution over the filial duty. Finally, a young and poor daughter was expected to sacrifice herself in order to fulfill her filial piety.(孝) These positive images of woman could be related with ancient Koreas myth and old tales which also have produced extremely active images of women in the history. Along with this historical narrative convention, expansion of Buddhism should cooperate with positive woman images in order to enlarge Buddhism power. However, even though they interpretate woman as a bright and clever being, the way of practice this positive woman images needs mans support. It clearly shows that Buddhism have aimed at equality between male and female figure, however, it also had draw a limit for woman. That is to say, woman could obtain idealized images which was expected in terms of Buddhism through supporting man. Nonetheless, discovery of positive woman images could not be ignored. Finally, plays an active role in consolidation of main theme of 『Samgugyusa(三國遺事) which was shini(神異). This important theme is presented through the poor who was belong to the lowest class in ancient Shila(新羅), could be protected and saved by Buddhism.
다음글 : 《三國遺事》遼東城育王塔條의 ‘聖王’에 대한 一考
이전글 : 『三國史記』 『三國遺事』에 보이는 新羅의 ‘國人’ 記事 檢討