바다 거북길을 따라서 타밀나두에서 가야제국까지 허황옥 전설을 토대로 한 어휘적 근거와 문화를 추적하며
저자 : 원혜영 (충북대) ISBN :
발행기관 : 한국동서비교문학학회 발행년도 : 2021
간행물 : 동서비교문학저널 제57호 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 199 - 224(26 pages)
첨부아이콘 바다 거북길을 따라서 타밀나두에서 가야제국까지 허황옥 전설을 토대로 한 어휘적 근거와 문화를 추적하며.pdf
#삼국유사 #고대 바다 거북길 #디아스포라 #한국어와 드라비다어 #해양 실크로드 #어휘와 문법 #문화 #Samgukyusa #the sea turtle Trail #diaspora#Korean and Dravidian languages #the maritime Silk Road #the lexicon and grammar #culture
Based on the legends of King Suro and Empress Heo in the history of the Samgukyusa, the ancient Sea Turtle Trail is traced back. An ancient diaspora due to the maritime Silk Road led to similarities between Korean and Dravidian languages and commonalities in culture. Due to the deadlock language in the Ural-Altaic community, comparisons between Korean and Dravidian reveal closer phonetic relationships.
In particular, attention is paid to things that have the same meaning and pronunciation in Korean and Dravidian. The basis for in-depth exchange between the two languages can be found in their lexicons and grammars. There are also similarities in the lexicon related to the body, to people and family, to objects and animals, to movement and state, and to abstract nouns or notions.
다음글 : 薯童 說話에 對한 新考察
이전글 : 한국 난생신화와 한국문학의 원형