창건연기설화(創建緣起說話) -사찰건축에 신성(神性)을 부여하는 언술적(言述的) 방편
저자 : 양상현 ISBN :
발행기관 : 대한건축학회 발행년도 : 2005
간행물 : 대한건축학회논문집 - 계획계 제21권 제2호 권·호 : /
페이지 : pp. 101 - 108(8 pages)
첨부아이콘 창건연기설화(創建緣起說話) 사찰건축에 신성(神性)을 부여하는 언술적(言述的) 방편.pdf
1. 序 : 연구의 목적과 범위
2. 창건연기설화의 이해
3. 창건연기설화의 해석 : 성소(聖所)8)의 구축
4. 희생공희(犧牲供犧) : 성소(聖所)의 완성
5. 結
Many Korean traditional Buddhist temples have legends related with their temples construction which comes down for a long time. The legend on the temple construction is one of the ways to input sacredness which architecture could not self-generate. to Buddhist temple.
Background why the Buddhist temple built on the site are included in these legends, such that the temple site was the land where Buddha had been stayed at in the past, or where miracle had been appeared at the site, or supreme being had been assigned for that site. Within these legends, order of space had been acquired through religious fighting against heretic or evil dragon which occupied holy space, and sacredness of Buddhist temple had been supplemented by Buddha or Bodhisattvas help in the process of temple construction. Story of life sacrifice and death appeared in these legends is a narrative way to add permanent sacredness to Buddhist temple.
A legend on temple construction is upaya (tool) that choose a particular region in this world and declare Buddhist temple a sacred space.
다음글 : 聖王의 大通寺 創建과 梁 武帝
이전글 : 지상에 降臨한 天皇大帝로서 朴赫居世